Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rene's skirt

Here is a preview of my mannequin, Rene's skirt. I can't tell you how many little disks I've individually wired together. Anyway, it is finally finished and photos will follow with her wearing it.

No, this isn't Cousin It. Remember him from the Adam's Family? These are Rene's hands. I was told she got bumped around and knocked over in the costume shop where she lived previously. She obviously needs way more then a manicure, so I've been creating new clay fingers for her today. After spending quite a while carefully matching the clay color, the fingers darkened during baking. Doh! I should have taken that into consideration. I may just paint over them since you can see her hands are slightly different colors too.
I'll post the finished digits next time. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Mannequin Project

I'm participating in the Mannequin Project coming up in May. Yep, I got a life size female mannequin. Actually, my husband had to go pick it up while I was away for several weeks. We can only guess what our neighbors thought as he brought her into the house.( He says I owe him big time for that.) Our friend Matt, thinks her name is Rene. She has many positive qualities but is missing a few fingers, which I hope to fabricate and attach. She is also sooooooooo very thin, like Barbie. Did I mention she is naked most of the time? The girl has no shame. Check back here for progress on Rene's crazy couture as it evolves, and check out the links below.

Art Meets Fashion - The Mannequin Project

In collaboration with Art Meets Fashion, San Diego County artists were invited to create works of art from mannequin forms. Visit the Galleries of the amazing artists involved in The Mannequin Project. Also, stay tuned for the details of the group show that will be posted here when details are finalized.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pinkie Ring

This is the second metal ring I've ever made.  It is sterling silver with liver of sulfur to give it contrast.
It was created during Aaron Whilloby's metal jewelry class. Thanks Aaron for all your help and advice during class. Thanks too for taking this shot. I learned a lot about photographing jewelry from watching you photograph these tiny little things.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Polymer clay hearts

These hearts are some of the results achieved while working with transparent layers of polymer clay. I will be teaching this technique in my surface design class being offered summer semester through continuing education at the West City Campus. In the meantime, I can keep practicing and come up with some more examples.